Science & Medicine Lectures
Psychosomatic Illness: Is it all in your head?
A British neurologist says the 1/3 of the patients who see her with terrible complaints have nothing medically wrong with them. This is her story about how she came to understand the true nature of psychosomatic illness and how to treat it, She tells very compelling case histories of her patients which will be shared in this presentation.
Freud, Mahler, Winnecott and Kohut
A look at the ideas of Sigmund Freud, Margaret Mahler, D.W Winnecott and Heinz Kohut - some of the top thinkers in the field of psychoanalysis. This lecture offers an interesting look into the unconscious’ influence on anxiety, depression and mental illness.
A look at the history of the ground breaking research that led to the discovery of the DNA molecule by Watson and Crick and the work of Marshall Nierenberg who broke the genetic code and showed how the magical DNA molecule works.