Biographical Lectures

A few biography lectures have included information about the following:


Judy Garland

The tragic life and work of one of America’s greatest singers and entertainers. Some songs will be played.

Frank Sinatra

The life and work of the great singer. Some of his songs will be played.

Marilyn Monroe

The story of the tragic life and the very suspicious death of actress Marilyn Monroe.

Johnny Carson

Based on the book by Henry Bushkin, Carson’s close friend and attorney, about Carson’s difficult and troubled life and the complicated relationship that Bushkin had with the talk show host.

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

The story of our greatest President including quotes from his greatest speeches.

Adolf Hitler

Analysis of Evil - A look at Hitler’s life told through the eyes of Hitler’s only childhood friend, August Kubicek. It is a chilling story about the complex nature of evil.

Albert Einstein

The life and work of the great physicist.

Vladamir Putin

The surprising life story of the President of Russia based on the book from the New York Times reporter who covered Russia. Although Putin is described as autocratic and an authoritarian leader he is not as evil, according to this author, as we think.

Edward Bernays

One of the most influential people of the 20th century, known as the father of the public relations and advertising industry and also the father of the use propaganda to sell products and ideas by controlling the minds and tastes of Americans. The nephew of Sigmund Frued, Bernay’s use of propaganda helped the CIA to topple the government in Guatelmala.

The Life of Katherine Graham

The life of the larger than life owner of the Washington Post is presented. Katherine Graham was born into great wealth and inherited the newspaper from her family. Her husband Philip Graham who ran the paper before he died was connected to the CIA as was Ben Bradlee, the powerful editor of Watergate fame, revealing some dark truths about Graham and her newspaper.

The Life of Katherine Graham

Kim Philby is considered to be the greatest spy of all time. This is the incredible story of a man who rose to the top of British intelligence while secretly working for the Russian KGB during his entire career.